Well Nia jus turned 1 yr old!! YEAH.. Now she can get a job!! I told her she could use me as a reference (lol). Well we started out the day taking dad new pants to school since his ripped.. he never checks this blog so we'll keep that between us (lol). Nia had the chance to put on her Birthday suit made by aunt Jill and go show dad when we arrived at the school.
Dad had his class sing happy birthday to Nia.. she just smiled and sang along....
When dad got home Nia went to McDonalds with mom and dad to have her first happy meal and she thourougly enjoyed it
This is lots better than that ole nasty baby food
Mommy wow.. I
Thanks mom and dad for a
great big girls meal!!
After the fun time Mcy Dees we went home and aunt Jill had made me a fun cake for my birthday heres more fun pics.....................................
OMG it is!! Ithink I'm gonna cry (tear tear)
Lets get down -n- dirty